Fiber Optic Centerpieces

Okay, so complete honesty here.  I thought these Fiber Optic Centerpieces were pretty cool when started selling them some time back.  I started to really like them when my wife used them to decorate my recent birthday party (no gifts please, but thank you for the thought).  And I loved them when my uncle used them for his daughters party this past weekend in an upscale restaurant that had the lights just slightly dimmed.

They truly make any event look like it cost a million dollars, while costing only a few dollars each!

Fiber Optic Centerpieces stand 13" tall and can change colors or BE SET TO A SINGLE COLOR.  Your theme Red? No problem! Blue? Just as easy!  Rainbow color? well guess what, it can phase through the colors too.  They run on 3 AAA batteries, which are replaceable, so you can keep this great looking centerpiece, or night light, for as long as you'd like.  The LEDs will almost never die so you don't have to worry about being frugal with their use.

Yea I'm including a photo, look up and to the right, and yea I have a youtube clip to show you (down below).  But none of that compares to seeing them in person.  For a close second I'm going to ask my uncle to share some of his impressively high quality photos with us all here.  Check back soon to see. 

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